Be careful! 4 Pests That Appear During the Rainy Season
7, 2023

Be careful! 4 Pests That Appear During the Rainy Season

The rainy season brings good and bad things. One of the bad things is the appearance of pests in and around our homes.

When it rains like this, pests get into our homes and make them dirty. They can also make us sick from carrying diseases.

4 Pests That Appear During the Rainy Season

According to, there are several types of pests that come during the rainy season.

  1. Cockroach

Saat hujan, kecoak akan mencari tempat kering untuk bersarang, dan rumah adalah salah satunya. Pasalnya, hujan mengguyur dan menggenangi parit, saluran air, dan pipa tempat mereka biasa tinggal. Mereka akan mencari tempat yang gelap dan kering, seperti bagian bawah lemari es atau di dalam lemari dapur. Kecoa membawa parasit seperti salmonella yang buruk bagi kesehatan.

  1. Spider

Spiders usually make their homes above ground, but when it rains, they can move into the house because it is quite dry and warm. Although spiders are not disease-spreading animals, the spider webs they leave behind are uneasy. In addition, people living outside Indonesia or in subtropical areas need to be careful of poisonous spiders.

  1. Rat

During the rainy season, rodents are a common pest. Rats, like the two pests in the previous point, want to live in a warm and dry place. They will make a house in a dark and dry place in our house, and when they are very hungry, they will eat furniture. Rats are very annoying and dangerous because they carry diseases such as bubonic plague and leptospirosis.

  1. Mosquito

Mosquitoes grow when it rains, because that’s when they lay their eggs. They will look for a place with puddles such as buckets or tubs for laying eggs.

We all know that mosquitoes can spread dangerous diseases to humans, such as dengue fever, chikungunya, and elephant’s foot.

During the rainy season, such pests tend to appear. We must take care that these pests do not get into the house.

Also read: Bedbug Fumigation Services

But if these pests begin to make your environment uncomfortable, it’s time to eradicate them. Bali pest control services from Gong Dewata Pest Control can help you eradicate annoying pests. For more information about Gong Dewata Pest Control, you can contact the following contact.

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